Chcete více volného času?
Chcete mít peníze od nájemníka jisté?

Postaráme se o váš byt, pronajmeme ho a garantujeme
vám nájem každý měsíc.

Tax calculator

Are you renting an apartment but don't know how to tax rent income? We can advise you!

Find out what your real estate rental tax will be with our calculator.

  • Utilize our consultation on rental income taxes.
  • Find out if you deduct expenses at flat rate or in the actual amount.
  • Are you just going to rent? The calculator will help you estimate your net rental income.
  • You will simply never worry about rent and taxes with more time for yourself!

Apartment or house rental tax

I rent as an employee / Freelancer as a side activity.

Enter your annual income here

I deduct expenses

A flat rate

In real amount?

? Eligible expenses include: property maintenance and alteration costs, equipment costs, real estate agency fees, contributions to the repair fund, real estate tax, mortgage interest, flat rate for transport, and others.

Amount of expenses actually incurred:


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